all i wanna do is write
i don’t even wanna read
all i wanna do is fight
for the light i think we need
to find to set things right
unblind us to the greed
remind us that we’re right
to decide for whom we bleed
to demand instead of plead
for a land devoid of plight
at the hands of those who lead
to stand up and unite
and bite those hands that feed
a bogus line of sight
they’d have us to believe
is fine and pure as white
despite the dark it breeds
there’s not a day or night
nor a breath i breathe
that doesn’t reek of fright
for all the pain i see
that’s been there all my life
ignored by so many
that’ve learned to walk upright
with no integrity
but now the time is right
to unwind the lies they weave
uproot the vines of spite
and finally plant new seeds
show our own forthright
and fight until we’re freed
i’m tired of being polite
about these shameful deeds
that reach a higher height
as we walk on our knees
i wanna beat all the might
that we might meet
with our insights that incite us
to pack these streets
til they’re tight with the knowledge
of what we can be
til we ignite the revolution
that sets our minds free

for all the pain i see that's been there all of my life ignored by so many that i've learned to walk upright with no integrity. love that part! pushing and grab something & ability very nice kj ink :)
Thanks you Sarah! Hope someday you get to hear me say it live :)
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